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Meet Cheri

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Cheri Brown is no stranger to politics, but she's just like you. No fancy titles or big bank accounts, just trying to make it through each day.


She's been through it all—from childhood poverty to raising her own disabled children and troubled foster teens, to navigating the ups and downs of a mostly low-income life. There’s a reason she drives a 21-year-old pickup truck!


Cheri's seen the struggles of single parents, disabled people, and senior citizens firsthand because she's lived them. Decades of parenting disabled children make her uniquely qualified to advocate for laws that protect disability rights and ensure that all legislation is equitable and truly meets the needs of our various disability communities.


Cheri's work history is pretty varied, and she was never afraid of a challenge. She had an early 10-year career with a major off-price retailer, working her way up from a store clerk to a corporate accounts payable manager, all without a college degree. Cheri then spent five years in the nonprofit sector supervising federal housing rehabilitation grants for low- and moderate-income homeowners, directly responsible for over 4 million dollars.

Cheri's worked with engineers, architects, construction companies, and elected town leaders, but she's just as comfortable at a construction site as she is in a corporate boardroom.


Lastly, Cheri spent 15 years hustling in the warehouses of online retailers, gaining direct insight into how unionization could vastly improve conditions for every hourly employee.


Cheri possess the qualities, attributes, and life experience of a fair and just politician, with the heart and soul of a lifelong advocate and fighter of injustice. She has the ability to connect with people from all walks of life, understand their concerns, and effectively communicate their needs and ideas into action.


In a world where traditional politicians often face criticism for being out of touch or disconnected from the everyday struggles of the people they represent, Cheri Brown will bring a fresh perspective and a genuine desire to have a lasting positive impact for all Tennesseans, as she represents State House District 37.

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With former US Secretary,
Housing & Urban Development, Julian Castro
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Waiting for Joe Biden along the motorcade to the Nashville Presidential Debates
With US Senator Elizabeth Warren
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Cheri's Top Priorities

Affordable Housing

Rutherford County is facing an affordable housing crisis, with 47% of households allocating over 30% of their income to rent. We need to expand subsidized housing, prioritize building for basic housing needs over luxury units. Also, soaring median house prices, coupled with income levels that didn’t rise comparatively, require us to create incentives for the development of modest, affordable starter homes. With an alarming eviction rate nearing 10%, we need to work to curb homelessness. The lack of permanent shelter facilities for the unhoused underscores the need for investment in transitional housing and sustainable solutions, effectively combating homelessness and the cycle of poverty.

Reducing Poverty

Passing and adequately funding legislation is crucial to reducing poverty among our poorest residents. Our state’s failure to utilize over $717 million in unspent funds from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program over the past 10 years is unacceptable, leaving countless families struggling to meet basic needs. Additionally, Tennessee families face exorbitant childcare costs, with annual expenses ranging from $9,742 to $11,501, consuming up to 45% of single parents’ median income. Investing in preschool and updating childcare assistance programs are vital steps to alleviate this financial strain.

Disability Rights

As a lifelong disability rights advocate, I've championed equality and inclusion for family members, including a blind sister, an autistic brother and son, and recently, an adult daughter with brain damage. I've battled discrimination, exclusion, inadequate special education and healthcare services. As your representative, I'll scrutinize legislation's impact on the disability community, advocating for improved special education, Medicaid, Medicare, criminal justice, maternal healthcare, and social services. I'm committed to ensuring the rights of the disability community are upheld.

Reproductive Rights

As a progressive Democratic candidate running for the Tennessee State House, I firmly believe that every person deserves the fundamental right to make decisions about their own body, free from government interference. This includes the right to access comprehensive reproductive healthcare services, including abortion, without facing unnecessary barriers or judgment. I am committed to advocating for policies that protect and expand these rights for all Tennesseans, regardless of their gender identity, socioeconomic status, or personal beliefs.

Quality Elder Care

Rutherford County faces rapid population growth, set to exceed 500,000 residents by 2050, necessitating immediate action on elder care. With a projected 47% increase in Americans aged 65 and older, we must close the caregiving gap, especially for low-income individuals and those with dementia. This involves providing additional support services and fair compensation for caregivers, estimated at $600 billion nationally in unpaid work. Prioritizing policies for living wages and innovative aging solutions ensures equitable access to elder care services, fostering a compassionate and inclusive community.

Social Media + Mental Health

The alarming decline in youth mental health, particularly among girls, demands immediate attention. Since the advent of smartphones in 2010, rates of anxiety, depression, and self-harming behavior have surged. Excessive use of social media and online multiplayer gaming contributes to social and sleep deprivation, attention issues, and even addiction. We cannot rely solely on developers to address these challenges. It’s time for concerted action involving parents, educators, mental health experts, and community leaders to safeguard our youth’s well-being.

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Will you stand with Cheri?

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Thank you for standing with Cheri for State House District 37!

Cheri with Honorary Campaign Manager, daughter Jessica
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